Casey Fitzgerald, OTR/L Occupational Therapist

Casey Fitzgerald, Occupational Therapist at Joy Meadows

Organization: Pediatric Connections
Specialization: Trauma-informed occupational therapy specializing in MNRI techniques
children through adults
Insurance: All KS Medicaid, BCBS, Tricare, Aetna

Phone: 913-257-5808


Casey is a trauma informed occupational therapist with 19 years of experience in a variety of settings, including private practice and the public school system. Working with children and their caregivers to meet their goals is her passion. She specializes in MNRI techniques including dynamic and postural integration, neurostructural, stress hormones release, and PTSD recovery among others. Through her experience and trainings she has learned that the sense of safety in the nervous system is foundational for meeting clients' goals.

Casey graduated with her masters degree from the University of Kansas in May of 2005 and has been working with children ever since. She is also a wife as well as a mom to two teenage boys. When not working she can be found running around with her boys, exploring nature and hiking, and watching the Chiefs win!

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Therapy Providers at Joy Meadows

Each therapy provider uses the Joy Meadows Therapy Center as a secondary office location. Providers can collaborate on a whole-child approach and coordinate scheduling if more than one type of therapy is needed.

Schedule sessions with each provider directly through the contact info provided.

Therapy Mentors at Joy Meadows

Volunteer Therapy Mentors ease this burden by being present each week and playing with children while one is in a session. This allows parents to participate in therapy sessions stress-free.

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Jenn Shrum, Occupational Therapist


Briana Pricht, Occupational Therapist