Animal Programs provide
unique opportunities for
children to experience guided
interactions with animals
at Joy Meadows.

Family Resources at Joy Meadows

Harper Wolf
Animal Programs Manager
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Animal Sessions

Offered April - October

Animal Sessions offer kids a chance to have unique, hands-on farm experiences. During an Animal Session, each child is paired with a Session Leader whose sole purpose is to listen to the child, connect in a meaningful way, and provide an opportunity for fun engagement and experiences with animal-based activities.

The activities are geared towards the specific needs and interests of the child. Some of these activities may include:

  • Interacting with and learning to care for the smaller barn animals

  • Creating art projects related to animals

  • Learning to groom, communicate with, and ride a horse

Animal Sessions are a fantastic way to develop meaningful connections, learn caretaking skills, and have fun!

  • Children living in a foster or adoptive home, ages 5 and up, may register for three terms of Animal Sessions. A term consists of individual 50-minute sessions for four consecutive weeks.

    Thanks to generous donations, the cost of registration is greatly reduced.

    There is only a $20 registration fee.

Child in foster care attending a horse riding lesson at Joy Meadows.

Horse Riding Lessons

Horse riding lessons are a great opportunity for cowboy and cowgirl wannabes! Lessons focus on allowing kids to grow in their horsemanship skills through hands-on learning about horse behaviour, caretaking, tacking, groundwork, and riding. Because horsemanship is about much more than riding, kids will typically not ride a horse for their first few lessons. Working in an instructive space with horses is an incredible way to build confidence, grow in patience, and work on clear communication. 

  • Children living in a foster or adoptive home, ages 5 and up, may register for 1 semester of horse riding lessons. A semester of lessons consists of 12 individual, 1 hour lessons on the same day at the same time each week for 3 consecutive months.

    Thanks to generous donations, the cost of sessions is greatly reduced.

    There is only a $20 registration fee.

Animal Day Camp

Calling all animal lovers! Animal Day Camp is a fantastic chance for kids to get time with our barn animals, learn new abilities, and see how animal interactions can teach us biblical truths. During camp we will:

  • Work with our equines (the little ones and big ones!)

  • Make new animal loving friends

  • Study the Bible together with interactive lessons and worksheets

2025 Animal Day Camp Dates:

  • K-1st Grade Camp, Saturday May 31st, 9am-12pm

  • Elementary Camp, Saturday August 30th, 9am-12pm

  • Youth Camp, Saturday October 25th, 9am-12pm

Elementary Camps are for children having completed 2nd-5th grade, and Youth Camps are for children having completed 6th-11th grade.

  • A child may attend the Animal Day Camp for their grade. Registration cost is $10.